Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

A Dream Within A Dream

by Edgar Allan Poe

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow-
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand-
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep- while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

Minggu, 18 Maret 2012

My dream

Did you have dreamto be what when you were children ? I think every people had a dream when they were children. I had too. I just want to share my dream when I was a child.
                As you know, when you were children, you had great dreams to be what in the future. I had a great dream when I was a child. I wanted to be a football player in my favourite club, SS Lazio. I imagined I wore Lazio jersey number 21 and there is my name above the number. I dreamed I become the best left wing back in Lazio. It was a fantastic dream.
                When I was a child, my father had asked me to join a football school in  Padang because I was really crazy about football. At that time, I was affraid because I did not have friend to join with me. Maybe if I was brave in that time, I can be a football player now.
                Life must go on. Now, I just want to become a success person. How about you guys ? What did you dream when you were children ? What do you want to be now ? Please give your comment. J

Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

Corporal Punishment for The Children

A student forgets to do his homework. So his teacher gives him a punishment. She hits the student with a ruler or asks him to stand up in front of the class. From the example, we can say that it is an example of corporal punishment. Corporal punishment is the infliction of punishment on the body. It involves the application of some form of physical pain in response to undesirable behavior. It can be beating, hitting, spanking, paddling, swatting, caning, etc. Some people agree with the teacher’s power to punish, thinking that it is a part of education. Another people argue against for corporal punishment. They think that it can give bad effects for the children. It makes pro and contra.
            Corporal punishment can make the children’s attitudes become better. it happens because It can hurt them or gives them bad effect. They do not like it. They do not want to get corporal punishment again. They will try to change their attidues and become nicer than before. So they will be far from getting corporal punishment.

            Corporal punishment can make the children give up to do something wrong. When a student does not make a homework, the teacher just gives him an extra work. It does not give effects to the student. The punishment is too easy. They will not give up to do bad behavior again. So with the corporal punishment, it can make them give up. Their bad behavior can be lost and become better.

            The opponents of corporal punishment is psycologically damaging. It does not only give bad effect in their physiques, but also give bad effects in their psycologs. The children who get corporal punishment can hurt them. They can feel some pains in their pyhsiques. Not only that, it can also give effects to their psycologs. They can became depression, inhibition, rigidity, lowered self-esteem and heightened anxiety.

            Corporal punishment also can teach the wrong lessons. It teaches a violence to the children. As we know, the children like to try what their parents do to them. It is not good for the children. They can do violences to their friends or their brothers and sisters. We can think that in their young age, they have been able to do some violences. Maybe when they become adults, they are criminals.

Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

Beach or GOR

Do you like jogging ? How many time do you go jogging in a month ? jogging is a sport that people like to do in the morning. They usually go jogging in the weekend morning because some people don’t work in the weekend. Jogging is a health life. People ususally go jogging around their home or go to som places. In Padang, there are two place that people like to go jogging. Each of them has  interesting situation. They are beach and GOR.
                First is beach. Some people like to go jogging in this place. People who ussually go jogging in this place are couple and friends. The teenegers often go jogging to this place. In this place, we can relax ourselves in the beach. We can take picture to in this place. So not only for jogging, but also people have fun in the beach.
                Second is GOR. We can see many people go jogging in GOR in Sunday morning. People usually take their family to go jogging in the GOR. Some athletes often go jogging to this place too. Not only jogging, but some people do exercise like aerobic. Beside that, many merchants sell their commodities lie shirt, shoes, and many more. The prices are cheap too.
                So, where will you go jogging in the weekend ? If you want to have fun, just go to the beach. If you if you want to have some exercises or buy some merchandise, just go to the GOR. It is up to you.     

Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

Disadvantages of Goal Line Technology

            Goal line technology not only gives advantages in football, but also gives disadvantages of using goal line technology in football. There are some disadvantages of using goal line technology in football.
            First, it will ruin the heart and soul of the game. Surely fairness and less controversy are more important than that and get higher priority. It is like a favor in the match. It would ruin the heart and soul though.
Second, the fact is that the technology is not 100% accurate and it requires a lot of calibrating in order to make sure that it is most reliable before the match begins. Even then, there is still room for error.
Third, the new technology may slow down the pace of the game. Officials may spend long periods of time deliberating over a decision and analyzing the data given from the technology.
Fourth, it may even affect goal-keeping psychology that can be affected with the pressure of the technology, which can hurdle their performance in the game.
Others disadvantages of technology are:
·         The signals from the ball may be time consuming as well to verify that the ball in fact crossed the goal
·         There will still be the argument that technology is not completely reliable all of the time
·         Some older fans are more reluctant to trust technology at all in making those kind of major decisions
·         If something goes wrong with the technology before its perfected then there may be the chance that the major executives will not allow the technology to be perfected for a long time or potentially indefinitely
·         It may undermine the authority of the referees.
The President of FIFA (Federation of International Football Associations) argues that it would remove the nature of human judgment in a negative way. Also FIFA has raised a number of other issues about goal line technology, saying “the system is not accurate enough, is too expensive and would affect the universality of the game, in that World Cup matches would not have the same rules as a Sunday League game in Bradford” (Emery, 2010).
The Hawk-Eye system has been critiqued and the main claim that people are making is that the margin of error is too large for it to be accurate and also that it would slow the game down too much. It is believed then that if this occurred then it would have a negative effect on the sport of soccer in itself. However, as is stated in the official letter to Mr. Sepp Blatter, this does not appear to be the case. The letter states that “within 0.5 seconds of the ball crossing the line the referee would be alerted.” (Hawkins, 2009).